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Summer Musical Auditions 2024


(Must be 19yrs by July 2024 to perform in this show.)

&COMPANY’S production of CHICAGO the Musical is rated PG-13

(&COMPANY is also hosting a Youth & Teen Summer Theatre Experience ~ June 2024)

Auditions will be hosted at Reverent Rhythms 3080 I-70BL

AUDITIONS March 23rd 1-6pm.

1:15-2:30pm Dancers & Lead Roles (Velma, Roxie, Murderesses, Featured Male & Female Dancers)

2:45-4:15pm ALL Ensemble, Minor, Feature, Support & Lead Roles (All Roles)

4:30pm Lead & Support Vocal Roles (Velma, Roxie, ‘Mama’ Morton, Murderesses, Mary Sunshine, Billy Flynn, Amos Heart)

(60 second Monologues accepted for non-singing roles - Fred Casely, Sergeant Fogarty, etc.)

*Please arrive 15minutes before your auditions to provide contact info, sign audition waiver and get audition number.

  • DANCERS & LEAD Role Dance Auditions 1:15-2:30pm.

    Dancer auditionees will learn featured dancer show choreo and audition in groups. Please prepare 2 to 4cts of 8 of personal show off material (turns, leaps, acro skills, etc.) Dancers must also attend following Ensemble Auditions.

  • (ALL Roles) Ensemble Movement & Ensemble Vocal Auditions 2:45- 4:15pm.

    All auditionees will learn ensemble show choreo and vocal verses from show. Then audition in groups with a quick personal introduction.

  • LEAD & SUPPORT Role Vocal Auditions 4:30pm.

    Prepare 60-90 seconds of a vocal selection OR monologue (for non-singing roles) of your choice with a quick introduction. Sing a cappella or bring your own music. Bluetooth speaker will be available. Be prepared to sing vocals from show on spot.

    CALL BACKS March 24th 6-9pm.

    -Not all roles will be called back, only auditionees we need to see more of.

    -If called back, please be prepared for cold readings & vocals from show. Possible showing of Audition Choreo.

    -Lead Role & some Support Role candidates must attend a Call Back session for consideration.

    -Some Featured, Minor & Understudy Roles will be cast during early rehearsals from attending ensemble members.

    -Cast Size is limited.

    Possible 2nd CALL BACKS (Date TBD. 7pm)

    Audition Videos will be accepted until March 22nd - 8pm.

    Please contact &COMPANY for Audition form and more details.

    Video Auditions: Please include Intro, 60-90 second Vocal selection & Movement selection (Movement - 4 counts of 8 of choreography or movement.)

    Please send video submissions to or send a pm to And Company’s FB Messenger.

    Casting will be announced by April 5th.

    All Cast Read Thru April 7th 7-9pm.

    Production Dates July 19, 20, 21, 26, 27 & 28

    Rehearsals will be Sunday Evenings. (Adding more evenings in June & July.)

    Chicago Character Descriptions

  • VELMA KELLY:  Lead Female, 25-45 (Range: Alto, E3-D5)

    Vaudeville performer who is accused of murdering her sister and husband. Hardened by fame,

    she cares for no one but herself, her career and her attempt to get away with murder. (Dance experience needed.)

  • ROXIE HART: Lead Female, 20-35 (Range: Mezzo-Soprano, F3-B4)

    Reads and keeps up with murder trials in Chicago, and follows suit by murdering her lover, Fred Casely.

    She stops at nothing to render a media storm in hopes of getting away with murder and becoming a celebrity. (Dance experience needed.)

  • MATRON "MAMA" MORTON: Support Female, 25-55 (Range: Alto, F#3-Bb4)

    Leader of the prisoners of Cook County Jail. The total essence of corruption. Accepts bribes for

    favors from laundry service to making calls to lawyers.

  • BILLY FLYNN: Lead Male, 25-55 (Range: Baritone Bb2-G4)

    Established lawyer who hasn’t lost a woman’s case yet. Master of media manipulation who will

    get a girl off the hook as long as she can fork up the hefty fee. (Some Dance experience needed.)

  • AMOS HART: Support Male, 25-55 (Range: Baritone, C3-F#4)

    Roxie’s faithful husband. Lies for her and tries to take the blame until he realizes that he has

    been two-timed by Roxie. Still in love with her, or misguided, he believes anything she says.

  • LIZ: Featured Female, 19-45 (Range: Ensemble, A3-C#5)

    Prisoner at Cook County Jail. She is imprisoned after shooting two warning shots into her

    husband’s head. (Dance experience needed.)

  • ANNIE: Featured Female, 19-45 (Range: Ensemble, A3-C#5)

    Prisoner at the Cook County Jail. Murder’s her lover after finding out he already has six wives.

    “One of those Mormons, ya’ know.” (Dance experience needed.)

  • JUNE: Featured Female, 19-45 (Range: Ensemble, A3-C#5)

    Prisoner at Cook County Jail. After her husband accuses her of screwing the milk man, he

    mysteriously runs into her knife ten times. (Dance experience needed.)

  • HUNYAK: Featured Female, 19-45 (Range: Ensemble, A3-C#5)

    Hungarian Prisoner at Cook County Jail. The only English she speaks is the phrase, “Not Guilty.”

    Which follows her to her grave. (Dance experience needed.)

  • MONA: Featured Female, 19-45 (Range: Ensemble, A3-C#5)

    Prisoner at Cook County Jail. Murders her lover after he has a round of affairs with other

    woman, and an occasional man. I guess you could say it was “artistic differences.” (Dance experience needed.)

  • MARY SUNSHINE: Support Female (or Male in Drag,) 25-55 (Range: Soprano, Bb3-Bb5)

    Sob sister reporter from the Evening Star. Believes there is a little bit of good in everyone and

    will believe anything she is fed that matches her beliefs.

  • SERGEANT FOGARTY: Featured Male, 35-55 (non-singing role))

    Assigned to Roxie’s case. After asking the right questions, he manages to get Roxie to confess.

  • FRED CASELY: Featured Male, 20-45 (non-singing role)

    Roxie’s short-lived lover. Murdered for trying to leave Roxie.

  • MARTIN HARRISON: Minor Male, 20-55 (Ensemble, non singing role)

    Ensemble member who doubles as the Master of Ceremonies at times.

  • GO-TO-HELL-KITTY: Featured Female, 20-40 (Range: Ensemble, A3-C#5)

    Wealthy heiress who steals the spotlight when she Murders her husband along with three other people. Her crimes are labeled “Lake Shore Drive Massacre.”

  • HARRY: Minor Male, 20-40 (Ensemble, non-singing)

    Murdered by Go-To-Hell Kitty for sleeping around with three people behind her back.

  • AARON: Minor Male, 20-40 (Ensemble, non-singing)

    Court appointed lawyer for Hunyak. He tries to get her to confess to speed along the trial.

  • JUDGE: Minor Male, 40-75 (Ensemble, non-singing)

    Judge overseeing Roxie’s Trial.

  • COURT CLERK: Minor Male or Female, 20-55 (Ensemble, non-singing)

    Swears people in with their hand on the bible. “Blah, Blah, Truth, Truth. Selp-you God.”

  • FEATURED DANCERS: Male & Female, 19-45 (Ensemble)

    Featured Dancers & Entertainers, Ensemble members.

  • ENSEMBLE: Male & Female, 19-75 (Sopranos, Altos, Tenors, Baritones)

    Jazz club Audience, Backup vocals, Reporters, Movers, Court room cast, Entertainers, etc.

    CHICAGO is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals.

    CHICAGO Book by Fred Ebb and Bob Fosse

    Music by John Kander

    Lyrics by Fred Ebb

    Based on the play by Maurine Dallas Watkins

    Script adaptation by David Thompson 

February 4

&COMPANY Dance Workshop ~ Prep for 2024 Summer Musical

March 30